The other night, I did that thing we’ve all done, I threw on a movie while dinner was cooking. Then, I fell into the 20-minute black hole of flipping through endless options. I saved things for later but never actually watched anything. It’s basically the Netflix version of Pinterest, where I pin all the pretty ideas but never get around to them. This experience got me thinking about how connecting through shared experiences often begins with these seemingly small moments.
Anyway, I finally landed on Mr. Deeds with Adam Sandler. I was in the mood for a laugh, and his movies always deliver. By the end of the movie, there’s a scene. They ask everyone what they wanted to be when they were a kid. It got me thinking: What did I want to do when I was a kid? That reflection shows how shared experiences can connect us to our past.
Tracing Back My Childhood Dreams
When I was little, I wanted to be so many things. I dreamed of becoming a writer, a nurse, or a social worker. I also considered being a therapist, an astronaut, and even a hairdresser. My dreams shifted constantly. They bounced from one idea to the next, depending on my mood. Sometimes, it was about what I thought sounded cool that week. But when I took the time to list it all out as an adult, I noticed something. Sure, the jobs were all over the place, but they all had one thing in common.
Helping people.
I helped someone heal, feel heard, look their best, or dream big. Every single dream I had was rooted in wanting to make a difference in someone’s life. That realization stuck with me. In a way, this reflection was part of my personal growth journey. It was a moment where I looked back and I understood what has always driven me ahead. Connecting through these shared experiences of helping others has been central to my personal growth.
How Blogging Became My Way to Help Others
So, how does that tie into starting a blog? Honestly, at first, it didn’t. I decided to start blogging as a creative outlet. It was a fun New Year’s resolution to check off my bingo card. But as I started planning what I wanted to write about, I had a realization. This blog is my way to help people, even if in a small way.
Maybe someone out there reads one of my posts and feels less alone. Maybe my stories or struggles resonate with someone going through a similar experience. Or maybe I can share resources, lessons, or ideas that help someone take the next step in their own journey. Even if I help just one person, that’s enough for me.
This blog has already turned into so much more than I expected. It all began with a family tradition inspired by my daughter’s organizational skills. We created bingo cards to set our New Year’s goals. Read more about how this tradition started and its impact on our family here. Sharing experiences through this family tradition has created lasting connections within my home too.
Writing has allowed me to connect with others in ways I never imagined. I’ve learned that connecting through shared experiences is powerful. It is one of the most effective ways to build relationships. It also helps to find support and create a sense of belonging. When we open up and share our journeys, we give others permission to do the same. We can talk about personal struggles, wins, or lessons learned.
What I’ve Learned Along the Way
If you’re sitting there wondering how to find purpose in life, here are a few things I’ve learned from this journey so far:
1. Look for the Common Denominator
If your dreams or passions feel all over the place, try to find the thread that connects them. What’s the underlying reason behind what you love? For me, it was helping people. For you, it could be creating, teaching, or solving problems. These threads often reveal shared experiences that connect us to our core values.
A great way to explore this is through journal prompts for self-discovery. These are questions that help you think about your past experiences. They also help you consider your values and what truly brings you fulfillment.
2. It’s Okay to Start Small
You don’t have to change the world overnight. Sometimes, helping one person or making one small impact is enough. Your purpose doesn’t have to be something grand—it can be something that naturally flows from what you already enjoy doing.
3. Share Your Stories
Everyone has a story, and you never know who needs to hear yours. Even if it feels insignificant to you, it may be the thing that helps someone else feel less alone. Connecting through shared experiences reminds us that we are never truly alone in what we go through.
4. The Journey Will Surprise You
What you start out doing may not be where you end up—and that’s okay. Be open to letting your path evolve and grow. Your personal growth journey will have twists and turns, and that’s part of the beauty of it.
So here I am, blogging not just for fun but with the hope of connecting, helping, and learning. Who knew a little movie night would lead to this deep reflection?
Now It’s Your Turn
What’s the common denominator in your dreams? Let me know in the comments, or message me on Instagram (@renielain). Let’s figure it out together. 💛